President Designate Christopher 卡拉汉:

A 新领导人 For a New Era


A warm and engaging personality. An energetic spirit. An insightful listener. A quick learner. This was how students, 教师, 工作人员, 在宣布克里斯托弗·卡拉汉将成为正规博彩十大网站下一任校长的那天,校友们描述了他.

卡拉汉, 现任亚利桑那州立大学沃尔特·克朗凯特新闻与大众传播学院的首任院长, led the school to its stature as one of the nation’s top programs. 仍然, 当校董会主席凯文·休伯把他介绍给太平洋社区时,他显得很谦卑.

卡拉汉说:“我很荣幸能加入这些才华横溢的学生和敬业的教师队伍。. “正规博彩十大网站是一所优秀的国立大学,拥有168年的丰富历史,未来更加美好. 我们的大学有很多优势:鼓舞人心的教授非常关注学生的成功, an engaged and diverse student body, tal­ented regents, dedicated administrators and 工作人员, 忠诚的校友和令人羡慕的优秀专业学校组合,以杰出的文理学院为核心.”

His path to the Pacific presidency was not traditional. The son of a New York City police officer and homemaker, 卡拉汉 was the first in his family to graduate college. “我爸爸总是打两份或三份工,而我妈妈照顾我和妹妹. 知道我的父母为帮助我们成功所做的一切是我成为今天的我的基础.”

卡拉汉在波士顿大学(Boston University)攻读新闻专业,并获得了学士学位. He later served as a reporter and editor at The Associated Press, eventually becoming a Washington correspondent, covering Congress, the Pentagon and Supreme Court. 随后,他获得了哈佛大学约翰·F·肯尼迪学院公共管理硕士学位. Kennedy School of Government.

在研究生期间担任讲师的机会激发了他对学术界的兴趣. After graduation, 他加入了马里兰大学,帮助在州首府安纳波利斯和明年在华盛顿启动一个新的体验式学习项目, D.C.

“I found the best of both worlds in teaching and journalism. 和学生们一起工作,看着他们学习我热爱的专业,这让我意识到我可以给他们同样的机会.”

In 1993, 卡拉汉成为马里兰大学菲利普·梅里尔新闻学院的副院长, and five years later moved up to become the no. 2 administrator in the college as the associate dean. 他成功地将学院发展成为全国最好的新闻学院之一,这也导致了他职业生涯中最关键的时刻之一——沃尔特·克朗凯特(Walter Cronkite)的电话.

“I remember the day. 我的电话答录机上有人留言说他是沃尔特·克朗凯特, and I thought, this is just one of my friends playing a trick on me, so I erased it. To this day, I wish I had that recording.”

亚利桑那州立大学以克朗凯特的名字命名后,克朗凯特一直与该校密切合作. In 2005, 他为学校的领导层提供建议,并在聘请卡拉汉担任沃尔特·克朗凯特新闻与大众传播学院的创始院长方面发挥了重要作用. Over the next 14 years, 卡拉汉把这个曾经苦苦挣扎的项目变成了全国最好、最具创新精神的新闻学院之一.

He spearheaded the creation of a more than a dozen professional, ex­perience-based learning programs for students, including Cronkite 新闻, 这是一项多平台运作,在亚利桑那州公共广播公司播出由学生制作的晚间新闻节目, a robust multimedia website and news bureaus in Phoenix, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. 他还创建了包括新媒体创新与创业实验室在内的专业项目, the Cronkite Public Relations Lab and Cronkite Noticias, a Spanish-lan­guage multiplatform news outlet.

“When you love what you do, 并且有热情为学生创造有吸引力和有影响力的项目和学习经验, the rest falls into place. I wanted students to have immersive, hands-on experience, 因此,我们采用“教学医院”的模式来创建新闻实验室,学生可以在课堂上学到的知识,并在优秀教师的指导下应用.”

卡拉汉’s energy, 热情和前瞻性的乐观帮助他大幅提高了学生入学率, 保留, 多样性, graduation rates and recruitment of out-of-state students. He has more than tripled the size of the 教师, led the creation of new degree programs on the undergraduate, master’s and PhD levels, 与全国各大公司和非营利组织建立学习和研究伙伴关系, and raised more than $100 million.

他的成功使他在2011年被任命为亚利桑那州立大学凤凰城校区的副教务长, which now has nearly 13,000 stu­dents across seven colleges. In 2014, he became CEO of Arizona PBS, 全国最大的公共电视台之一,专注于公共服务和终身学习.

Nearly 15 years after leading the Cronkite School into a new era, 卡拉汉 was ready to take on a larger role. Pacific was the right fit.

正规博彩十大网站是一所真正以学生为中心的学校——学生是第一位的. Every university says that, but many fall short. Pacific is designed around the success of students. The focus on students is in the DNA of Pacific,” 卡拉汉 said.

“Pacific has incredible assets in place: the state’s oldest university, 并且在优秀的专业学校的包围下有很强的文科教育组合. It has three fantastic and differentiated campuses. 而正规博彩十大网站为学生提供了国家综合性大学的最佳属性与紧密结合, intimate learning environment of a small liberal arts college. It is truly the best of both worlds.”

卡拉汉 was the unanimous choice of Pacific’s Board of Regents.

“克里斯带来的活力和经验完全符合太平洋航空的需求,” said Board of Regents Chair Kevin Huber. “他在开发与学生相关的项目方面有着令人印象深刻的记录, 他将以新的方式整合我们独特的三校区大学,充分利用正规博彩十大网站的本科经验和无与伦比的专业学院和研究生课程,带来伟大的想法.”

Added Norman Allen, 校董会副主席及校长遴选咨询委员会主席, “克里斯拥有令人兴奋的学术经验和创业技能的平衡. He also understands how to engage with our entire community in a personable, relatable and produc­tive way. Chris is exactly what Pacific needs right now.”

卡拉汉认为,太平洋航空公司最引人注目的特点是它的使命和价值观, which are aligned with what is needed in higher education today. “Higher education is at an inflection point. 大学学位的价值从未像现在这样重要,它仍然是经济成功的关键决定因素. But it also creates a full person who is not just successful financially, 但在他们的社区里,他们可以为社会和我们的民主做出贡献,积极参与.

“作为教育工作者,我们能做的最重要的事情是在一个人们不断需要重新装备的数字世界中培养终身学习者. Pacific fits in perfectly. It offers deep learning and applying that learning in real-world settings, which increases learning for the student and helps the community. There is no better combination.”

卡拉汉 will become Pacific’s 26th president on July 1, 2020.