2019 - 2020(临时)
Dr. 玛丽亚Pallavicini

Pallavicini,太平洋的 教务长兼学术事务执行副校长, served as interim president during the 搜索 for the university's new president — and, following what turned out to be the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — led Pacific’s rapid transition to remote learning and work.

Dr. 帕梅拉Eibeck
Dr. 帕梅拉Eibeck

Dr. 帕梅拉一. 艾贝克是正规博彩十大网站第24任校长. 在她的领导下, 太平洋开始实施大胆的愿景,成为领先者, 北加州以学生为中心的大学.

Dr. 唐纳德·V. 现在
Dr. 唐纳德·V. 现在

Dr. 唐纳德·V. 德罗萨是正规博彩十大网站第23任校长. 在太平洋公司任职期间. 德罗莎领导的创作与众不同, 全国排名的课程, 中心, 和研究机构, 提升大学在全国的知名度.


在他担任总统期间, 威廉·阿奇利强调多样性, instituted sweeping financial changes and emphasized re搜索 by faculty.

手, 这所大学最受尊敬的正规博彩十大网站排名之一, served one year in an interim role while President 斯坦利·麦卡 took a leave of absence to be president of Rotary International. 手’s important roles with the university included dean of the College of the Pacific and academic vice president.

1981 - 1982(代理)

麦卡弗里校长扩大了学校的足迹, increased the emphasis on student life and significantly increased enrollment.

1970年至1974年,麦克隆担任正规博彩十大网站学术副校长, 他短暂接任临时总统,接替罗伯特. 伯恩斯处理健康问题. McCrone was named president of Humboldt State University in 1974 and held that position until his 2001 retirement.

Alistair McCrone
罗伯特E. 伯恩斯

Robert 伯恩斯 transformed Pacific with his “Pioneer or Perish” motto, increased the university’s stature over a quarter century and built an iconic landmark that bears his name.

塔利C. knol

塔利C. 诺尔斯把大学迁到了斯托克顿, helped Pacific withstand the Great Depression and World War II and increased academic excellence in an impactful presidency.

斯顿 was named president in 1914 and had to face adversity from the start—fire consumed the college’s dining hall and another fire destroyed the building that housed the library. 大火烧毁了14000多本书. 斯顿 was aggressive in fundraising and the recruitment of students, but also had to deal with the challenges of World War I during his tenure.

约翰L. 斯顿

莫里斯担任了8个月的临时职务, bridging the gap between two significant Pacific presidents — 威廉·W. 古斯提高了学校的学术地位,约翰. 西顿帮助学院建立了稳固的财政基础.

1913 - 1914(代理)
伯特J. 莫里斯

In 1908, 古思 was appointed to serve as president of the 正规博彩十大网站, 他主张将其更名为太平洋学院. He stayed in this position for five years and published four written works. 1913年,他离开母校,成为巴尔的摩古彻学院的院长.

威廉·W. 古思

交叉 served as interim president for an extended time as university leadership worked to find a replacement for 伊莱McClish. 交叉 was a dean and professor of classics and many students lobbied for him to be named president, 这并没有发生.

1906 - 1908(代理)
M.S. 交叉

麦克利什带领太平洋公司进入了新世纪, as Pacific’s large board (36 members 当时) opted to hire the minister from Napa after the closure of Napa College. 纳帕学院的许多优等生都跟随麦克利什来到了正规博彩十大网站.


胡子 was described as a “promising” president with ambitious goals for Pacific, but he resigned abruptly two years into his presidency because of differences with the board.

詹姆斯·N. 胡子

索耶 served as acting president for only a few months before returning to the classroom. He was a professor of the German language and was beloved by Pacific students. 索耶 served in the Civil War and was an amputee as a result of his service.

1893 - 1894(代理)
韦斯利C. 索耶

Crook served as president for less than two years before opting to step down. He became president of Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, where he served for three years.


赫斯特 standardized all bachelor degrees into four-year programs, and received praise for that move. But during his four years as president, there was turmoil and protest on campus. At one point, half of the students signed a “no-confidence” memorandum against 赫斯特. There were departures by key faculty members, who had the support of Pacific alumni.

A.C. 赫斯特

Stratton brought stability to Pacific as a world-wide economic recession was coming to an end. 这是他长达十年的总统任期的一年, Pacific established a conservatory of music—the first west of the Mississippi. He was very popular with students and alumni and was described in former Provost Phil Gilbertson’s book 太平洋正在崛起 作为塔利公司之前最重要的总裁. knol.

C.C. Stratton

吉本斯, 他之前曾担任过两年太平洋主席, 1872年,他极不情愿地回来了, 据报道,它再次占领了学校. 他曾在俄亥俄大学担任教授.

亚历山大年代. 吉本斯

The five-year tenure of Sinex was highlighted by the opportunity to build a new campus in San Jose. 这片22英亩的土地被称为学院公园. 他还负责“加州理念”的讨论,” a coordinated effort between higher education and state government to increase student enrollment throughout the state. 1872年,辛尼克斯辞职.

托马斯H. Sinex

Bannister, one of the university founders, returned for a second — and longer — presidency. 在整个内战期间,他领导着这所大学. His eight years of service in his second stint provided continuity for Pacific that, 当时, 在学校管理委员会失踪了吗.


吉本斯, a mathematics professor, was one of two original faculty members for Pacific. As president, 吉本斯 once took a 50% pay cut to help Pacific make ends meet. He resigned in 1859 when the Pacific board would not grant his leave of absence request, but he returned in 1872 and served five additional years as president.

亚历山大年代. 吉本斯

麦克雷是太平洋学院最早的两名教员之一. 他是希腊语和拉丁语的教授. He served a short term as president during the formative years of Pacific.

威廉J. 麦克雷

布里格斯是民权斗士, favoring the abolition of slavery and supporting the Black and Chinese communities. While president, he also sought to improve the standing of women students at Pacific. He was a close friend of California governor and higher education colleague Leland Stanford. After his presidency, 布里格斯 served intermittently on Pacific’s board for three decades.

马丁C. 布里格斯

Bannister was one of three Methodist ministers who were the primary founders of 正规博彩十大网站. 其他人是艾萨克·欧文和威廉·泰勒. 最初的太平洋宪章于1851年7月10日签署. 班尼斯特于1854年辞职, he presented the university’s board with a scholarship plan to raise endowment funds. He would return five years later for a second presidency at Pacific.
