Camilla Saviz

Camilla Saviz

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Dr. Camilla Saviz is 教授 and Chair of the Civil Engineering Department. She received BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Clarkson University, an MBA from the New York Institute of Technology, and a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Davis in the area of hydrodynamic and water quality modeling. She joined the University of the Pacific in 1999 and is a registered Professional Engineer in California. 她的教学, 研究, and professional interests include water resources engineering, sustainable engineering, and engineering education.

Dr. Saviz started her teaching career as a Calculus 2 tutor for one of her Calc 2 classmates in junior college. She couldn't believe that she got paid for doing something that was so much fun, which is also true of her job at Pacific. Her interest in Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources led her along a wandering path that has included work as a Hydrologic Engineer, a Hydraulics Lab Teaching Assistant, a sea kayaking instructor, and a bar tender, among others. Dr. Saviz has been active in service to the profession as a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). She has had the privilege of learning from colleagues and serving on various ASCE committees, as a Region 9 Governor, an ABET Program Evaluator, and as a Mentor at the ExCEEd Teaching Workshop.  


PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Davis

MBA, General Management, New York Institute of Technology

MS, Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University

BS, Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University

Registered Professional Engineer (Civil), State of California

Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP)

Teaching Interests

Water Resources
Engineering fundamentals

研究 Focus

Water resources
Engineering education


汉密尔顿,年代., C. 很远,T. Kunberger, T. 尼尔森,我. 诺兰,维. Saftner, and C. Saviz, “Developing Faculty Leaders through the ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Workshop,” Journal of Civil Engineering 教育, 150(1): 05023006, 2023.

Saftner D., S. 汉密尔顿,T. Kunberger, and C. Saviz, “Teaching Techniques and How Faculty Engage the Engineering Classroom,” 2022 American Society for Engineering 教育 Annual Conference, 明尼阿波里斯市, MN.

Swenty, M., B. 小说,D. Saftner C. Saviz J. 沙佛,K. D’Alessandro, T. Kunberger C. 希勒, “I Think We Should Break Up: Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Using Breaks in Class,” 2022 American Society for Engineering 教育 Annual Conference, 明尼阿波里斯市, MN.

Salyards K., A. 埃斯蒂斯,C. Saviz P. 克莱顿,J. 戴维斯,C. Fleischmann, T. 尼尔森,P. Omur-Ozbek, F. Ozis, M. Palomo C. Rodak. C. Rutherford, C. Torres-Machi, D. Coward, and L. 诺兰, “ASCE’s Response to the Pandemic: Execution of a Remote ExCEEd Teaching Workshop,” 2022 American Society for Engineering 教育 Annual Conference, 明尼阿波里斯市, MN.

Delatte N., C. Saviz,. 莫尔斯和B. 巴里,  “Practices and Perceptions of Master’s Level ABET EAC Accreditation,” 2022 American Society for Engineering 教育 Annual Conference, 明尼阿波里斯市, MN.

Delatte N., B. 巴里,. 莫尔斯,年代. J. Ressler, and C. Saviz,  “Toward Continuous Improvement of EAC/ABET Criteria 3 and 5,” 2020 American Society for Engineering 教育 Annual Conference, (虚拟).  

Saftner D., S. Hamilton, and C. Saviz, “Civil Engineering Program Criteria:  A snapshot of how programs meet the criteria,” 2019 American Society for Engineering 教育 Annual Conference, 坦帕, FL.

S. 莱斯勒,. 埃斯蒂斯,C. Saviz B. 巴里,C. Considine, D. 懦夫,N. 小丹尼斯., S. 汉密尔顿,维. 赫维茨T. Kunberger, T. 雷诺克斯T. 尼尔森,我. 诺兰,J. O ' brien小., R. 奥尼尔,D. Saftner K. Salyards, and R. Welch, “The ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Workshop: Assessing 20 Years of Instructional Development,” International Journal of Engineering 教育,卷. 35, No. 6 (A), pp. 1758–1786, 2019.

尼尔森,T., D. Saftner, and C. Saviz, “Candy Land: Engaging Students in Class,” 2017 American Society for Engineering 教育 Annual Conference, 哥伦布, OH.  (研究 also featured in ASEE Prism Magazine:  “Sweet Inspiration,” Prism, October 2017)