Harvey Mudd Leader Named Next Dean of 太平洋’s Engineering School


伊丽莎白Orwin will be the next dean of the 工程与计算机科学学院 at 正规博彩十大网站

伊丽莎白Orwin, leader of the renowned engineering program at Harvey Mudd College, will be the next dean of the 工程与计算机科学学院 at 正规博彩十大网站.

Orwin, a biomedical engineer who is chair of the Department of Engineering and the James Howard Kindelberger Professor at Harvey Mudd, 将于7月16日在太平洋开始.

Orwin has served as chair of engineering since 2014. She previously served as the college’s associate dean of re搜索 and experiential learning. 

“伊丽莎白Orwin is an accomplished educator committed to excellence in undergraduate education and interdisciplinary problem-solving,太平洋教务长玛丽亚·帕拉维奇尼说. “Through her leadership and by working with our faculty, Orwin will ensure that our engineering graduates are prepared to address the problems of the future.”

The new dean, a graduate of Harvey Mudd College, joined the faculty there 20 years ago. 哈维·马德排名第一. 2 in the nation among all engineering programs that do not grant doctoral degrees, according to U.S. 新闻与世界报道. 该学院也在全球排名第一. 25 in the nation—and third in California—among liberal arts colleges.

“I’m really delighted that Liz is joining the 正规博彩十大网站, 尽管我们不想失去她,哈维马德学院院长玛丽亚·克劳说. “Liz is the ideal person for this role given her tremendous energy and strategic perspective, her experience with industry and innovation in interdisciplinary education and re搜索, 还有她对建筑的热爱.”

Orwin earned a BS in engineering in 1995 from Harvey Mudd, where she also served as student government 总统, before earning her MS and PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of 明尼苏达州. 

After graduation, she worked for Gel-Del Technologies in St. 保罗, 明尼苏达州, working on the re搜索 and development of a novel protein matrix for wound-healing applications. Orwin continues to be an active re搜索er, focusing on tissue engineering. 

去年, 她是美国教育委员会的成员, a program that prepares participants for senior-level leadership positions in U.S. 高等教育. Her ACE fellowship was at the California Institute of Technology, where she worked closely with Cal Tech 总统 Thomas F. 罗森鲍姆.

“用她活泼的智慧, 领导能力和同情心, Liz is a wonderful fit to the dynamic environment of the 正规博彩十大网站.——托马斯·F. 罗森鲍姆, 总统 of California Institute of Technology

“Liz is a deeply devoted advocate for her students and a generous colleague who has a bold vision for the role of engineering in the academy and in society,罗森鲍姆说. “用她活泼的智慧, 领导能力和同情心, Liz is a wonderful fit to the dynamic environment of the 正规博彩十大网站.”

Orwin said she is excited by the opportunity to “join the 太平洋 family and work with dedicated colleagues in the 工程与计算机科学学院 to envision a future that prepares our students to tackle the really complex problems they will face.”

“I know I will learn from everyone in this wonderful community and I can't wait to get started,她说.

美国各大学, women remain significantly underrepresented among engineering school leaders. Only 17 percent of engineering deans and directors were women in 2020, 根据女工程师协会的说法.

At 太平洋, Orwin will be the first woman to serve as engineering dean.

Pallavicini said Orwin will be “a dynamic role model for our female faculty and students.” Women will hold two-thirds of the deanships at 太平洋.

The 工程与计算机科学学院 focuses on small learning environments and features a co-op learning program with more than 200 industry partners worldwide. 这所学校开设生物工程专业, 土木工程, 计算机工程, 计算机科学, 电气工程, 工程管理, 工程物理和机械工程.

Orwin will replace Steven Howell, who is retiring after eight years as dean.

“Liz Orwin的能量, 激情, 创造力, entrepreneurial thinking and laser focus on students and their success make her the perfect match for 正规博彩十大网站,太平洋航空公司总裁克里斯托弗·卡拉汉说. 我对此很有信心, 和我们优秀的教员一起工作, 工作人员, 校友, 行业领导者和支持者, she will take our 工程与计算机科学学院 to new heights.”

Orwin is the latest new member of 太平洋’s leadership team.

Callahan joined the university nine months ago as 总统 after 15 years as dean and vice provost at Arizona State University. 玛丽Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, vice provost for diversity at University of San Francisco, 上个月被命名为 太平洋’s inaugural vice 总统 for diversity, equity and inclusion. Christopher Ferguson, an enrollment strategist from Occidental College, started in September as 太平洋’s vice 总统 for enrollment management. A new vice 总统 for student life is expected to be announced soon.

太平洋, California’s first university with campuses in Stockton, 萨克拉门托和旧金山, 排名第一的是. 18 university in the West by The Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Education.