

正规博彩十大网站’s Class of 2023 was celebrated for successfully earning its degrees with a series of events, culminating in the all-university commencement and diploma and hooding ceremonies on May 13.

Click through the photo gallery above and read on for highlights from the week-long commencement celebrations.

Saturday, May 13 | All-university commencement and diploma and hooding ceremonies

Hundreds of students processed onto historic Knoles Lawn under picturesque blue skies Saturday morning to receive degrees from California’s first and oldest university as thousands of family and friends cheered them on. The ceremony honors students from all three campuses in Sacramento, San Francisco and Stockton.

President Christopher Callahan praised graduates for pursuing their passion for learning despite the obstacles of the COVID-19 pandemic, 是什么迫使许多学生在线学习一年半.

“你们面临的挑战是太平洋人以前从未遇到过的. You had to navigate the dangerous and unprecedented disruption of life as we know it,卡拉汉对毕业生们说. “你们不仅应对了这些挑战,而且取得了成功. You showed unbelievable strength, courage, resilience, adaptability and creativity.”

学生演讲嘉宾布鲁克·韩川,23岁, 正规博彩十大网站学生会副主席, said her classmates learned to use their voices for advocacy during their time at the university.

“I am proud to recognize all the work we’ve done to build the Pacific legacy,” Han Tran said. “我们已经学会了成为社区的好管家, 支持奇迹一英里和当地企业与建立 Pacific Shuttle,慷慨地奉献我们的时间 College Corps参加希腊生活慈善活动,在圣. 玛丽要做三明治, developing a proposal to advance the Stockton homeless shelter into a navigation center, pushing 从化石燃料中撤资 更有影响力的工作."

The university’s highest honors were bestowed during the ceremony, including The Order of Pacific, which recognizes the university’s most impactful leaders, teachers and mentors. The honorees include Regent Norm Allen ’88,’94; Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry Daniel Bender; former Director of Career Services Deb Crane ’01, ’08; Professor of Economics Bill Herrin and Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Maria Pallavicini.

An honorary doctorate of business administration was presented to alumnus and former regent Jim Mair ’68. The Silicon Valley real estate executive was instrumental in negotiating the purchase of the San Francisco Campus, 亚瑟A藏在哪里. 杜戈尼牙科学院和其他研究生课程. 梅尔对坐在观众席上的孙子们说:“不再叫爸爸了,叫医生. Papa.”

历史教授肯·阿尔巴拉 获得杰出教师奖. The renowned food and cooking expert for excelling in teaching, research and service. 

Members of the 50th reunion class of 1973 participated in the Memorial Rose Walk during the commencement processional, 拿着橙色的玫瑰,向去世的同学致敬.

在全校毕业典礼之后, 太平洋学院举行了毕业典礼和戴帽典礼, 工程与计算机科学学院, Conservatory of Music, 埃伯哈特商学院, Thomas J. 朗药学院和贝纳德学院.

More than 1,300 degrees were conferred and hundreds more will be awarded in the coming weeks. The School of Health Sciences’ diploma and hooding ceremony is Saturday, May 20 at 10 a.m. at the Alex G. Spanos Center.

The McGeorge School of Law will celebrate graduates Saturday, May 27 at 2 p.m. 在萨克拉门托的纪念礼堂和亚瑟A. 杜戈尼牙科学院将于6月18日星期日下午2点为毕业生颁奖.m. 在旧金山的共济会.




在周六激动人心的毕业典礼之前, an intimate baccalaureate service was held Friday inside Morris Chapel for students, faculty and staff.

Student speakers from the Muslim and Sikh faiths reflected on their educational journeys and how they were able to balance academics with their religion.

“I came to Pacific thinking I would have to choose between my faith and my education, but I was so wrong. Pacific welcomed me with open arms and countless resources,” said Leen Yousef ’23. 

虽然这所大学起源于卫理公会, it has evolved into a welcoming space for all of Pacific’s rich interfaith community.

Retiring Professor of Economics William Herrin provided the traditional last lecture in which he urged students to not focus solely on what is wrong in the world, 但也要承认什么是正确的.


Celebrations for the university’s affinity groups were held throughout the week leading up to commencement to recognize the accomplishments of graduating students while acknowledging their unique challenges and experiences, including students who identify as Latinx; LGBTQ+; Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi; Black and Native American.

每个活动都包含了具有文化意义的时刻, 包括为印第安学生举行的毯子仪式. Graduates received the “Blanket of Education” as a sign of respect and celebration.

“作为一个在斯托克顿长大的印第安人, 通常很难找到能代表我的文化的地方. But my experience at Pacific as an undergraduate and in law school helped close that gap,麦克乔治法学院的毕业生蒂莫西·佩雷斯说, ’20, ’23, 北谷Yokuts部落的成员. “I am prepared for a legal career in which I hope to help my tribe and potentially other tribes.”

Phi beta kappa的入会会员

Phi Beta Kappa会员


Five students were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa—the nation’s oldest and most well-known academic honor society. The prestigious group recognizes high achievement among those in the liberal arts and sciences.

参加典礼的学生有Keldon Chase(2022年入选者), Rosabella Lopez, Lorraine Lee, 乌鸦伊莉斯·麦古尔和艾米·惠勒. 黛安·罗伯茨也被选中加入.

“我非常努力地加入了Phi Beta Kappa. 我甚至重新安排了我的时间表,做了一个独立的学习加入,23岁的艾米·惠勒说, who majored in geological and environmental science and cello with minors in pre-law and sustainability. “这个组织对我来说真的很有价值,有很多意义, 所以我真的很感激我能入选.

“Pacific is the best small-scale liberal arts school and education I could have asked for. 我和所有的老师都成了朋友, 我知道这些关系会陪伴我一生,” she said.

Membership is by invitation with those joining typically within the top 5% of their graduating class. Pacific is one of only 10% of colleges and universities in the United States to host a chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.




学生的突出贡献, advisors and organizations were celebrated with the annual leadership awards.

From educating the Stockton Police Department on the Sikh faith to helping international students transition to campus life, award recipients have had a marked impact on the campus and community over the past year. 在这里阅读更多关于费斯·戴维斯获奖者的信息.
