太平洋指定拉美裔服务机构, 成为全国排名最高的私立HSI大学


Regent Leticia Robles (far right) speaks with students at Noche de Bienvenida.

美国.S. 教育部 designated 正规博彩十大网站 as a Hispanic-Serving Institution, giving the university new abilities to bolster the success of its growing Latino student population, 官方今天宣布.

有了新的名称, Pacific becomes the highest-ranked private university in the nation with HSI status.

“This is a critically important milestone in the 172-year history of California’s first and oldest university,太平洋航空公司总裁克里斯托弗·卡拉汉说, who established the HSI designation as a primary strategic goal when he arrived in 2020. “The federal designation now means we will be able to compete for special resources to even better help our Latino students succeed, 继续招聘最优秀的人才, brightest and most deserving Latino students no matter their socioeconomic backgrounds.”

Congress created the Hispanic-Serving Institution program in 1992 as part of the expansion of the 1965 Higher Education Act. The initiative was championed by long-time higher education advocate Sen. 克莱本·佩尔,共和党民主党人.I.,并由乔治·H·布什总统签署成为法律.W. 布什. 联邦政府于1995年首次为恒生指数拨出资金.

作为一个西班牙裔服务机构, Pacific can now compete for special federal grants to support Latino students in new and creative ways, expanding access to higher education and increasing the ability to complete degree programs.

There are more than 300 four-year universities designated as HSIs in the U.S.大约一半是公立学院和大学,一半是私立大学. Pacific is the highest-ranked private national university—as rated by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告-达到恒生指数的地位.

“We are enormously proud of our history of being an institution that provides rigorous, high-quality academic programs coupled with access for qualified and deserving students, 无论背景如何,卡拉汉说.

最近的一次 《正规博彩十大网站》的研究将太平洋地区排名第一. 23 nationally for economic diversity of students and The Wall Street Journal rated Pacific No. 28 .社会流动性. 此外,一个 Georgetown University study ranked Pacific first in the nation in alumni career earnings for universities with high percentages of students attending college with Pell Grants,这些奖学金是根据低收入家庭学生的需要发放的. 

“We are monomaniacally focused on the success of all our students,” the president said.


学生们聚集在埃尔森特罗, 一个拉丁裔学生交流的地方, 访问资源,享受丰富的编程.

Provost and Executive Vice President Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert said the HSI designation will help Pacific better prepare students for the workforce after graduation and make Pacific an even more attractive place for employers to recruit the best and most diverse workforce.

“因为雇主们正在招聘实习和全职工作, 他们正在努力使劳动力多样化, so they want to go where they know there is a diverse and highly prepared body of students,”她说。.

The provost also noted that Pacific’s increasingly diverse student body is attracting more diverse faculty. “他们说,‘这就是我想去的地方. 这些就是我想教的学生。.

玛丽Lomax-Ghirarduzzi, 太平洋公司负责多元化的首任副总裁, Equity and Inclusion who led an early task force to prepare for the anticipated HSI designation, said re搜索 shows HSI universities measurably improve the retention and graduation rates of other underserved student populations, 以及拉丁美洲人.

“This is really about how to make all students more successful,”她说。.

Pacific was already an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution as designated by the U.S. 教育部.

获得恒生指数指定, a university’s undergraduate student population must be at least 25% Hispanic. 在副总统克里斯·弗格森的领导下, the Hispanic undergraduate enrollment at Pacific increased steadily and swiftly—from 20.2019年秋季为9%至26%.今天的7%. 此前,这一比例在18%至20%之间徘徊.

The Hispanic population in California is 40% and 19% nationwide, according to the U.S. 人口普查局.

主席卡拉汉 established the HSI designation as a strategic goal in 2020 upon his arrival from Arizona State University. 亚利桑那州立大学, he created the first bilingual news writing classes; launched a weekly Spanish-language newscast with Univision and a Spanish-language news website, 克朗凯特新闻短片, with the Raza Development Fund; built an immersive professional reporting program covering Latino issues and the U.S.-Mexico border; recruited award-winning Latino faculty; and brought the California Chicano 新闻 Media Association: Latino Journalists of California from USC to ASU during his years as dean of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. 他获得了亚利桑那州立大学的第一个公平和包容催化剂奖, the inaugural ASU Institutional Inclusion Award and a special commendation from the Arizona House of Representatives for his work in the Hispanic community.

Board of 评议 Chair Mary-Elizabeth Eberhardt ‘76 called the new designation “a historic moment for our students—both current students and those who will one day call Pacific home.

“我和我的家人在太平洋航空工作了几十年, and I am proud of the university’s commitment to making a college education accessible for students from diverse backgrounds, 以及这些年来我是如何看到这种承诺不断成长和巩固的. As 评议 we hear often from students who say they wouldn’t have been able to go to college without the support Pacific gave them. 他们的勇气和毅力激励着我. 今天, we celebrate one more way that 正规博彩十大网站 is walking the walk for these students.”

Eberhardt and Callahan were joined in the HSI announcement in the DeRosa University Center by Regent Leticia Robles ’89, 太平洋家庭护理服务公司的创始人兼总裁, 新东方校长伊兹·戈麦斯24岁, 还有84年的前摄政王何塞·埃尔南德斯, 最近那部电影的主角是谁, “一百万里之外,” about his inspirational journey from migrant farmworker to NASA astronaut.