
What is my campus address, and how do I receive mail?
邮件会在周一至周五下午5点前直接送到您所在社区的邮箱.m. Large packages are available for pick-up from Mail Services from 8 a.m. 到5点.m.
You can visit Student Mail Services for more information.
你做! 每个由Tiger Wash支付费用的住宅社区都有洗衣设施, which is pre-loaded on your student ID card.
你做. 管理人员每天清洁公共区域、宿舍和希腊浴室. You may not leave trash in common spaces, including from your room in the hallway, 浴室, 洗衣房, or any shared spaces for the custodial staff to clean up for you. 公寓居民有责任清洁公寓公共区域,包括厨房和浴室. 垃圾箱位于每个宿舍大厅,希腊生活之家和公寓外. 
RA stands for Resident Assistant. RAs是像你一样在住宿社区担任领导角色的学生. 他们是住宿生活和住房工作人员的准专业成员,他们帮助确保你有一个安全的住所, 教育, and enjoyable experience in your community.
Pets of any kind (except for fish in a maximum 5 gallon tank)
Illegal drugs, controlled substances, and paraphernalia
Open flames, candles, sun lamps, and incense
All weapons (including air guns, bb guns, etc.)
Hot plates, toasters, and all items with an open heating element
欲了解更多信息,请参阅学生住房协议中的条款和条件 老虎的传说.
Do I have a curfew in housing?
T在这里 is no curfew in university-owned housing. However, t在这里 are quiet hours which are from 11 p.m. 到8岁.m. Sunday through Thursday and 1 a.m. 到8岁.m. 星期五和星期六. During these times, noise levels should be at a level conducive to sleeping.
您将能够在校园内的各种用餐地点使用您的新膳食计划帐户, including the Marketplace (our main dining hall), The Lair(酒馆), 寿司吧. 除了, 你可以在星巴克(位于图书馆)使用你的用餐计划或用餐美元。, the Health Sciences Café (located in the Health Sciences Learning Center), E.A.T. Truck, and The Grove (located on the ground level of the McCaffrey Center).
The Grove provides a variety of items aimed toward the apartment students, including new grab-and-go food options, 比如新鲜做的沙拉, 咖啡, 汤, 三明治, 和甜点. Also available are household items such as laundry soap and dish soap.
The Marketplace features a variety of stations to choose from, 包括一个塔克里亚餐厅,主打许多拉丁美洲国家的美食. T在这里 also is a classics station featuring home-style American comfort foods, a Pacific Rim station offering specialties from throughout the Asian region, and an exhibition station focusing on grill menu options. Other menu options include things like a salad bar, 熟食店站, 家常汤, 新鲜出炉的甜点, 和饮料. Vegan, vegetarian, halal and gluten-free options are available daily.  如果您想与好胃口预约,请联系住宿生活和住房办公室,以审查特定的餐饮和购物需求. 

你可以把车停在你有停车许可证的地方. 需要许可证. For the most up-to-date parking, details see 校园停车.
停车设施的所有使用者同意遵守大学的停车许可证条款和条件,并遵守所有停车和交通规则. Parking is enforced by the Department of Public 安全. Both visitor and student parking on campus require a permit.
您可以通过住房门户网站在住房申请中请求特定的室友. 你和你的首选室友都必须这样做,并指出对方是首选室友. 请求不能得到保证.

在你搬进来之后,留意学期中房间交换日期的更多细节. 房间交换是指住房允许居民更换房间/建筑/室友的日期/时间. 请注意, 未经太平洋住宅生活和住房办公室的正式批准,居民不得更改房间分配.


What is a Living Learning Community (LLC)?
生活学习社区(llc)是一种住宿项目,可以让您与拥有共同关注点的不同学生群体建立联系. Students live together and participate in shared courses, special events and service projects as a group. 有限责任公司专门与各个学术部门联系在一起,旨在促进学术和个人成长.  For more information about LLCs, visit 在这里.

How can I sign up for a Living Learning Community (LLC)?
What do I bring to my new home?
The link below lists a few items you might want to bring to your new home. 我们建议您在到达校园之前与您的室友讨论谁将带来共享物品.
What to Bring — Residence Halls (pdf)

What to Bring — Apartments (pdf)

住房 FAQ for 当前的学生

Can I live in the residence halls for more than four semesters?
是的!  在房屋选择期间, 您可以选择相同的空间,从任何可用的库存-公寓, residence halls or Greek communities. 住房 is guaranteed for 4 years. 

I have class/work during my scheduled lottery time for room selection. 我如何登记住房?
您的住房抽签时间将从您指定的开始时间到抽签结束. You may sign up for housing once your class is over with.
If I am placed on the waitlist, will I be guaranteed housing?
No. Being on the waitlist does not guarantee placement in university housing. Waitlist requests will be processed as space becomes available. 一旦你获得了一个位置,你将有48小时的时间来接受或拒绝. 如果你拒绝这个提议, or do not respond within 48 hours, the space will be released to another student.
Can I pull in another student to my room or apartment?
在室友选择过程中,现有的居民可以要求或拉其他学生到他们目前的公寓. 如果他们在学校的表现不佳,可能会被除名, including judicial actions or sanctions.
How is my housing lottery determined?
The housing lottery for Open-space Selection is based on units completed. 已完成的单位是正在进行的单位(春季/冬季)和在太平洋完成和记录的所有其他单位的总和. 如果您对您的官方单位有任何疑问,请与 注册处.
How do I sign up for a single room?
选房期间, 学生将可以根据可用性注册单个宿舍空间.

For single room requests due to accommodations, please register with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities.
If I live in an apartment, can I pull in a student younger or older than me?
是的, student can form their roommate groups however they like.  以单位最多的学生为组长,保证抽签时间最早.
Can I sign up for one semester of housing only?
No. The Student 住房 Agreement is for the full academic year: fall and spring, 或下降, spring and summer for students on the trimester system. 
对于在国外学习或参加春季学期合作机会的学生, 可以通过以下方式向居住生活和住房办公室提交请愿书 iamhome@lloveu.net. 欢迎秋季学期不在校内住宿的学生申请春季学期住宿.   
Can I terminate my Student 住房 Agreement without penalty?
您将有48小时的时间通过提交您签署的协议来确认您的实习. If you terminate after May 1st, t在这里 is at least a minimum $1,000 termination fee plus the loss of your deposit, for non-university approved terminations.
请查阅《正规博彩十大网站排名》第6条中的协议终止条款. If a Student 住房 Agreement is not received, the space will not be held and will be released as an open space.
If I reside in the apartments, do I need to sign up for a meal plan?
是的, all residents must sign up for a meal plan. Students residing in residence halls may select from the 21, 19或15计划,住在公寓的学生除了21计划外,还可以从10或7计划中选择, 19 or 15.

Family 住房 and pharmacy trimester students may opt for the 5 plan.

是的. If you are in the final year of your pre-pharmacy undergraduate program, you will be allowed to sign up for Chan Family Hall, 空间允许.