The Pacific Pharmacy Alumni Association at the Thomas J. 朗药学院致力于在同学之间建立有意义的联系,弥合学生与我们超过9个庞大网络之间的差距,000 accomplished alumni. As you embark on your post-graduation journey, 我们诚挚地邀请您加入太平洋药学校友会.

What can the Pacific Pharmacy Alumni Association do for you?

无论您是在寻找社交机会还是寻求与学校保持联系的方法, there are several ways the Pacific Pharmacy Alumni Association is a valuable resource.


Rekindle ties with fellow graduates, take on a mentoring role, identify skilled professionals to bolster your team, 以导师的身份参加卫生保健外展活动,并参与其他充实的机会,为社区福祉作出贡献.


Forge connections with successful alumni, seek guidance from experienced mentors, 邀请你的同事和朋友参加太平洋药房校友会举办的活动,并探索更多的参与途径.


通过您的慷慨捐助支持学生,为医疗保健的未来赋能. Your gift has a profound impact on student-success, fuels groundbreaking research, enhances leadership development and amplifies the influence of our vibrant alumni network. Join us in shaping the future of health care through your meaningful philanthropy.

Pharmacy student Christian Barrientos with alumni donor Gerald D. Griffin

“我很荣幸能获得这项奖学金,因为我与军人和退伍军人有着悠久的历史. 你提供给我的帮助很大,让我自信地进入我的高级药学实践经验年.”

Christian Barrientos ’24
Recipient of the Camouflage to White Coat Endowed Scholarship established by Gerald D. Griffin ’71, PharmD, MD

Regent Elizabeth G. Johnson

“I got a fabulous education at Pacific. The faculty provided me with the foundation for a successful, rewarding career in the pharmacy profession. 我觉得我有责任参与并回馈社会,无论是用时间、才能还是财富. Selfishly, I get much more out of my engagement than I give!”

Elizabeth G. Johnson ’87, PharmD
Regent, Pacific Board of Regents

Irene Andrada Solorio ’15, PharmD, BCGP

“I love that Pacific really feels like a family. 这是一个小社区,在那里我可以真正成长为我自己,它帮助塑造了今天的我. 花费我们的时间和才能来帮助学生获得全面的教育可以对整个制药领域产生重大影响.”

Irene Andrada Solorio ’15, PharmD, BCGP
Board Member, Pacific Pharmacy Alumni Association

Jessica Mah ’16, PharmD

“保持参与让我有机会成为塑造药房未来的积极参与者. 在正规博彩十大网站的这些年里,我受益于那些平易近人、见解深刻的导师和导师. 我想确保未来的学生继续得到同样水平的支持和指导,成长为杰出的药剂师.”

Jessica Mah ’16, PharmD
Preceptor, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience

Do you know a future pharmacist or scientist?

Our Pacific alumni are our most influential recruiters! 通过推荐我们的项目,成为塑造下一波医疗保健专业人员的催化剂. Your firsthand experience can inspire and guide future pharmacists and scientists.

Contact the Office of Pharmacy Admission at

PharmD student with high school student at Summer Institute

Share your news

Have you recently embarked on a new career, achieved a well-deserved promotion, tied the knot or welcomed a new member to your family? 与您的校友分享这些激动人心的里程碑,以促进联系,并展示太平洋毕业生如何影响和推进他们的职业.

我们很自豪地承认我们的校友积极为专业组织做出贡献. 如果您目前担任领导职务或在委员会任职,我们希望听到您的意见.

Class Notes are published in Interactions, the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy’s annual magazine.

Stay connected, don’t miss out!

保持您的联系信息,以接收最新的更新和专为您量身定制的独家邀请. 现在更新您的详细信息,成为我们充满活力的校友网络的一部分,并确保您收到即将到来的校友网络活动的邀请.

Notable alumni

进入加州药房名人堂是该州药房的最高荣誉. In addition to a distinguished history of service and achievement in several arenas, Hall of Fame inductees are innovators who have exemplary professionalism and altruism.

2023 | Christopher Allen Woo ’88, PharmD, FCPhA
2021 | Colleen R. Carter ’76, PharmD, FCPhA
2020 | Douglas “Doug” Hillblom ’78, PharmD
2019 | Lee Meyer ’72, ’75, PharmD
2019 | Loriann DeMartini ’84, PharmD, MPh, BCGP
2014 | Michael A. Pastrick ’73, BS Pharm
2013 | Ralph L. Saroyan ’64, RPh
2013 | Royce L. Friesen ’65, BS Pharm
2012 | Clark H. Gustafson ’66, RPh
2012 | Jeff M. Jellin ’74, PharmD
2009 | Donald G. Floriddia ’71, PhD
2007 | Charles Green ’68, BS Pharm
2006 | Carlo P. Michelotti ’61, BS Pharm

最大的国家协会,代表所有实践设置的药学专业, 加州药剂师协会成立于1869年,旨在通过药学实践促进全加州的健康.

2023 | Michael Conner ’12, PharmD, Global MBA
2018 | Veronica T. Bandy ’00, ’08, PharmD, MS, FCPHA, FCSHP
2016 | Edlen Wong ’07, PharmD, FCPh
2012 | Douglas “Doug” Hillblom ’78, PharmD
2011 | Kenny Scott ’78, BS Pharm
2010 | Eric Gupta ’00, PharmD
2002 | Ralph L. Saroyan ’64, RPh
2000 | Mike Pavlovich ’89, PharmD
1999 | Christopher Allen Woo ’88, PharmD, FCPhA
1996 | Robert P. Nickell ’81, BS Pharm
1993 | David Wilcox ’79, BS Pharm
1990 | Donald G. Floriddia ’71, PhD
1986 | Michael A. Pastrick ’73, BS Pharm
1984 | Clark H. Gustafson ’66, RPh
1983 | Charles Green ’68, BS Pharm

被认可为加州药剂师协会(CPhA)的会员是一种荣誉. 这意味着你对cfa和药学专业做出了重大贡献,远远超出了常规的药学实践.

加州药剂师协会董事会已经通过了一套标准,加州药剂师协会成员必须达到或超过这些标准才能被认为有资格获得加州药剂师协会(FCPhA)会员的称号。. Selected Fellows will be honored at CPhA’s annual meeting, Western Pharmacy Exchange.

2024 | George Do ’16, PharmD, FCPhA
2016 | Jason Bandy ’00, PharmD, FCSHP, FCPhA
2016 | Lee Meyer ’72, ’75, PharmD, FCPhA
2016 | Michael A. Pastrick ’73, BS Pharm, FCPhA
2015 | Johanna Liu ’09, PharmD, MBA, FCPhA
2015 | David G. Mitchell ’00, PharmD, MBA, CSP, FCPhA
2014 | Edlen Wong ’07, PharmD, FCPhA

The mission of the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists (CHSP) is to promote, protect and expand the pharmacy industry. CSHP oversees affiliate chapters throughout California, giving members the opportunity to connect with peers in their region.

2021 | Keith Yoshizuka ’76, PharmD, MBA, JD, FCSHP, Diablo Chapter
2019 | Steven J. Thompson ’77, PharmD, South Bay Long Beach Chapter
2015 | Stacey Raff ’96, PharmD, BCPS, Golden Gate Chapter
2011 | Maria Serpa ’87, PharmD, FASHP, FCSHP, Sacramento Valley Chapter
2008 | William “Bill” Yee ’83, PharmD, FASHP, FCSHP, Central Valley Chapter
2000 | Patricia “Tricia” New ’84, PharmD, FCSHP, BCNSP, Quatra County Chapter
1994 | Beth Devine ’78, PharmD, PhD, MBA Golden Gate Chapter

Loriann DeMartini ’84, PharmD, MPh, BCGP has served as the CSHP Chief Executive Officer since 2016.

每年由加州卫生系统药剂师协会(CSHP)主席任命, CSHP从业者认可计划正式认可那些表现出持续参与和承诺教育从业者的药剂师, residents, students, administrators and/or the public in the pharmacy practice.

2021 | Judy C. Lee ’78, PharmD, FCSHP
2018 | Jeffrey Nehira ’03, PharmD, FCSHP
2013 | Keith Yoshizuka ’76, PharmD, MBA, JD, FCSHP
2011 | Jason Bandy ’00, PharmD, FCSHP
2011 | Julianna Burton ’99, PharmD, BCPS, FCSHP
2010 | Helen Park ’98, PharmD, BCPS, FCSHP, FCPhA
2008 | Veronica T. Bandy ’00, ’08, PharmD, MS, FCPhA, FCSHP, BCACP
2008 | Maria Serpa ’87, PharmD, FASHP, FCSHP
2004 | Marcus C. Ravnan ’94, PharmD, FCSHP, FASHP
2004 | Susan Ravnan ’94, PharmD, FCSHP - grad year
1999 | Harriet F. Catania ’70, PharmD, FCSHP
1996 | Sian Carr-Lopez ’85, PharmD, FCSHP
1995 | Catherine Grady Sterk ’77, ’78, PharmD, FCSHP
1994 | Patricia “Tricia” New ’84, PharmD, FCSHP, BCNSP
1994 | William “Bill” Yee ’83, PharmD, FASHP, FCSHP

Alumnus of the Year Lawrence Brown
Recognizing outstanding alumni

Annually, 太平洋药学校友会非常荣幸地表彰对大学和药学专业做出杰出贡献的杰出人士. 这位杰出的获奖者将在著名的药学博士白大褂典礼上担任主旨演讲嘉宾. 与我们一起庆祝校友们的卓越成就,以及那些超越校友的有影响力的贡献.

2023 | Lawrence “LB” Brown ’99, PharmD, PhD, FAPhA
2022 | Margaret Peers Frederickson ’66, RPh
2021 | Bruce Toy ’77, ’81, PharmD, DDS
2020 | Rajul A. Patel ’01, ’06, PharmD, PhD
2019 | Jim Morisoli ’75, RPh
2018 | Satinder Sandhu ’85, PharmD
2017 | Loriann DeMartini ’84, PharmD, MPh, BCGP
2016 | Robert Chan ’77, PharmD
2015 | Douglas “Doug” Hillblom ’78, PharmD and Katherine Hillblom ’77, ’82, PharmD
2014 | Michael A. Pastrick ’73, BS Pharm
2013 | Gary Basrai ’77, PharmD
2012 | Donald G. Floriddia ’71, PhD
2011 | Patrick Catania ’68, ’70, ’73, PharmD, PhD and Harriet Catania ’70, ’76, PharmD
2010 | Clark H. Gustafson ’66, RPh
2009 | Melvin K. Kahn ’64, BS Pharm
2008 | Stanley E. Poncetta ’65, BS Pharm
2007 | Ralph L. Saroyan ’64, RPh
2006 | Colleen R. Carter ’76, PharmD, FCPhA
2005 | Thomas Vickery ’63, ’75, PharmD
2004 | Flint Pendergraft, III, ’81, PharmD
2003 | Elizabeth G. Johnson ’87, PharmD
2002 | Robert B. Supernaw ’72, PharmD
2001 | Carlo P. Michelotti ’61, BS Pharm
2000 | Charles Green ’68, BS Pharm
1999 | Jeff M. Jellin ’74, PharmD

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